Monday 20 April 2009


Hey hey,

What a few days! We had a lovely time visiting Dean and Josh in Cronulla (south Sydney) - although due to a 'scenic' route I drew from google maps, we ended up taking over 2.5 hours to get there... oops! Much catching up, reminiscing, walking on the beach and socialising. Also met up with Beth, a lovely Ozzy geezer who, we realised, is on her own planet. Hilarious. She is entertainment to be with. Even getting to see us, she was very hungover and tried brushing her teeth in her car, only to realise she didn't have any water. So she spat the toothpaste out of her car and it went everywhere. Kinda like bird poo. They are very strange here! The weekend was great, and was nice to have a proper 'Sunday' with Dean playing footie, us going shopping, having coffee, and ending it with a very energetic and entertaining game of 'Cranium' in Dean's friend's penthouse apartment overlooking the sea and Sydney... such a hard life!

So back into central Sydney on Monday to run a few errands, and then we met with another mate, Thierry, who is Australian but we met in Bolivia. Great catching up with him too - he kept us laughing with his very realistic impressions of people we all knew from La Paz. So nice to catch up, it really was, in a strange way providing some kind of stability and feeling of home even on the other side of the world! He bought us our own presents - so kind - J got a kangaroo, Haz got a koala, and I got a wombat. Now we only have to see these things in the wild...

So we tried sleeping in the domestic airport last night, but unfortunately it closed at night. So we taxied over to the domestic airport to bunk down on the floor for the night, only to come back again early in the morning. We saved ourselves a massive 50p (rather than paying for a hostel) after all our baggage storage costs for the day, and the taxis between airports - lesson learnt - always check that the wretched airport is open before trying to sleep there!

So we turned up this morning and Jeff, Haz's uncle, very kindly came and collected us from the airport. He's a lovely guy and so kind putting us up for a couple of days. He lives just outside Adelaide, and so we are going to go looking for wombats and kangaroos tomorrow and cuddle some koalas... such a hard life!

We are picking up a Wicked campervan ( early Thursday morning (well it depends if the mechanic is tired or not as to what time it is ready!) to drive 3200km round trip to Uluru. So might be out of contact for a couple of days from the internet...! But we will have our Australian mobile on all the time, and so feel free to call or text us as it doesn't cost us anything to receive calls or texts. (Number is 0061 416 836 117).

Lots of love from us all, and will message again when we next get to civilisation!
Alice xxx

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