Wednesday 10 June 2009

Gilly Air Island, Indonesia

Hey hey again,

Well we managed to get a great ride over to Gilly Air with the diving company, Lombok Dive, and got ourselves a basic but fine bungalow looking over the turquoise sea. The island itself is small, with limited facilities, but idyllic in its relaxation! We found a gorgeous cafe/restaurant with large wooden plinths with cushions to sit on and watch the sun set. The food was cheap and delicious (when the electricity was on, the milkshakes were brilliant), and when we ate somewhere else on our last night, we regretted it!

Unfortunately there was quite a lot of rubbish floating around, which the Indonesian government needs to sort out with tourism increasing, but it was still beautiful. Went snorkelling (saw a sea snake and turtle), and also played in the divers' bubbles - a cheap spa! Very fun. Went diving twice, and saw turtles, lots of fish, lion fish, and a shark... a white tipped reef shark. It looked so evil and menacing and sly in its eyes, and we got a little too close for it... H and J were fine, but I was a little (hugely) scared! Luckily J let me hold her hand for a while until it swum by, and we swam slowly away... gotta remember that we are in its world, and it probably wouldn't harm us at all, but it just looked so evil! However, the dive company was horrific (Dive Lombok), and the tour agency that sold us the dives (Smile Tours in Senggigi) wasn't much better. Five days later, and stranded for 24 hours in Senggigi, we have finally sorted things out and are complaining to PADI about them. It all turned out alright, and we are now certified PADI Advanced divers, but it wasn't an easy process.

So going to watch the sunset in Senggigi harbour tonight (we missed it by 10 minutes when we were here on the way to Gilly Air), before heading back to Kuta in Bali tomorrow.

Lots of love to you all,
From us all,
Alice xxx

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