Sunday 30 August 2009

Chiang Mai... elephants, tigers and a lot more!

Hello there,

Hope everyone's doing ok in the good ol' UK - nearly the end of our trip now! J goes home in 2 days, and H and I follow her in 28... scary! We're kind of winding down now from our trip - talking about what we're going to dump out of our rucksacks before heading home (despite being home a couple of months ago, I still have managed to accumulate far too much in my bag!) and discovering lost things at the bottom of our bags - J found 2 pairs of knickers this morning that she hadn't seen for months! I think they were clean...

Anyway, we've been having a wonderful time in Chiang Mai. We're taking things slowly at the moment - not sure if it's the heat and humidity (although luckily it cools down in the evenings), or general lethargy after travelling for so long, or in my case, the effects of a 2 year old dodgy stomach, but we have been catching up on sleep and taking things slowly. Perhaps the night buses have taken more than we thought out of us, as the 2nd time we saw Map, at the travel agency, he did say that we were looking far better than the first day he saw us - and that was after a 12 hour sleep! Oh well...

We've found cheap places to eat, have attacked the markets as much as possible and have been drinking lots of delicious and fresh fruit shakes. J has a funny foot from stepping on a sea urchin in the south of Thailand - about 6 weeks ago, and Haz cut her foot while tubing, so we've not walked huge amounts around the markets with them limping about. But they're doing well and that didn't stop us from retail therapy!

Both the night bazaar and the Sunday night market were huge, with indescribable amounts of gorgeous textiles, jewellery, umbrellas in wine bottle things, dolls, and delicious foods - rotees with nutella and banana, waffles, pad thai, fresh and addictive sushi, cripsy spring rolls... I could go on! We've been quite restrained so far on the buying front, but it would be so easy to fill 2 suitcases with things!

So... on Saturday we got up early and headed out on a day trip to the countryside. We can't drive motorbikes (definitely want to learn now) so can't do it ourselves very easily, so had to go with a tour. We went with an asian couple who joined in the more sedate activities, a dutch couple and an English girl who was very hungover! First stop - butterfly farm and orchid farm. Pretty, but seen nicer ones elsewhere, so quickly moved on.

(Ooo strange guy sat next to me started singing, very weird)...

Next stop - white water rafting. Really fun for the half hour we did it, but unfortunately nothing above grades 3 really. Had a nice guy in the boat with us (just J, H and myself in one boat), and we spent most of the time trying to splash the other boat with 'Johnny Depp' or 'Jack Sparrow' in - the other guide who was slightly mental but very good fun. Unfortuantely he was also very good at splashing us! The scenery was gorgeous - lushious green trees, palm trees and plants, a brown river (typical) and the sun was shining... pretty stunning.

Next stop, seeing a tiered waterfall, which provided us with a great opportunity to jump into the water (H was the bravest, jumping from a higher position than me!) and cool down. So tranquil, and very beautiful. Onwards and upwards to elephant trekking. It was amazing - the elephants are very comfortable to sit on as we had proper seats on them, and their stride is gentle and not too jerky, apart from you have to hang on for when they go downhill! H and I were on one elephant, who had a little baby that followed us and misbehaved everywhere! J was with Fiona, the English girl, and they were walking through the river, (we couldn't go as our baby was too little), meeting us and dodging the bamboo rafts that were also in the river and couldn't stop easily - just! It was amazing being so close to the elephants. Our mahout was sat on the elephant's head and using his feet behind the elephant's ears to steer it. And a slingshot to guide the little baby when it was being naughty!

Next stop, delicious lunch, before heading down the river on a bamboo raft (even had seats so our little bottoms stayed dry!) So relaxing and peaceful, with 2 guys on the end of the raft, steering it like gondaliers in Venice. Was very chilled out and a gentle way of seeing the countryside too.

Final destination, the Karen hillside villages where we met refugees from Burma, who have set up their villages as a tourist attraction (slightly strange, kind of felt like we were visiting a zoo in a bad way, but at least they rinse us of money!) as the tribe extend their necks with brass metal rings. The full neck piece weights 7 KILOGRAMS, and they work and sleep in them. They also have brass around their calves... all very different and very illuminating. But also made me very thankful we don't do that!

So a busy day... with a lot crammed in. Would have been nicer to spend a little more time rafting and elephant riding, but it was a great day out and the cheapest way to do it as well.

And Sunday we got the most amazing taxi (a plush 4x4 car with a lovely driver called Mel), who took us to Tiger Kingdom, a tiger sanctuary. We chose to see the biggest tigers and went in and petted them. Seriously. They aren't drugged at all but dopy during their siesta time. They are well trained and looked after, and tame. They were absolutely magnificent. Although before we went in, as a joke, one of the keepers asked us where we were from, and if we had contact numbers for next of kin... just in case! Luckily we survived and had such a great experiencing being with them. They were HUGE!

So the night market yesterday and meandering around the delicious food stalls (sushi was amazing!) We are having a gentle day today as well before catching the bus to Bangkok tonight. J flies to the UK late on the 2nd September, and H and I fly to India on 3rd to Delhi. So excited about it all - the final push before home. Got a few errands to run in Bangkok before the flight, but it's nice returning to somewhere we've been before, as we know what it's like, where to eat etc. And hopefully can return to the same guesthouse we were in before, as the family were incredibly friendly and nice.

Anyway more than time to stop writing! Check out the photos again - put new tiger ones up yesterday.
Lots and lots and lots of love from us all,
Al xxxxx

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