Wednesday 12 November 2008


hello all,

Spent yesterday in Panama, and travelled quite a few hours to go and jump under a waterfall. Was really pretty, though quite cold... photos will be put up soonish!

Had a chilled out night at the hostel last night, before leaving at 2am to get our flight to San Jose, Costa Rica. Because of the time difference, the flight only took 10 minutes, pretty good! 4 hours later we had another flight from San Jose to Quito, Equador (luckily ears were absolutely fine with the flying).

Arrived in Equador - Quito airport absolutely fantastic - through immigration, customs and collected bags within about 10 minutes! LHR has something to learn methinks... After a slight problem finding our hostel (ie we didn´t find it), we ended up staying in the Hostel Backpackers´Inn, which is so homely and lovely. The Swiss lady who runs it takes good care of us, showing us what we should do and where we should go, and telling us ways to keep safe as well in the city.

We absolutely love Quito. The accommodation is $6 per night, and the food here is really cheap. We are staying in the new part of town, as that is where the Spanish schools are, but even so it´s got a great vibe about it. We are heading to the Old town sometime soon when we have sorted out our Spanish lessons, as it´s meant to be a highlight of Equador. We have just had a lovely meal in an eccentric bar, accompanied by the Equador equivalent of gluhwein... life´s so difficult here! And I also have a dangerous attraction to the local men... it´s going to be a challenging time here...

So need to head to bed now because am absolutely knackered after our flights, but will write again soon (as also have free internet at the hostel). Planning on staying here for 7 days, learning Spanish before heading south to Mancora on the coast of Peru.

Hope everything´s ok in the UK and the weather isn´t too bad. We´re very cold, having just come from over 30 degrees C in Panama to only 18 degrees here... but suppose the 3000m altitude doesn´t help! Going to go and warm up now,
Muchos love,
Al xxx

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