Tuesday 3 February 2009

Puerto Iguazu, Argentina and now Sao Paolo, BRAZIL!

Hello all, (new pictures on Picasa).

Arrived after a wonderful bus to Puerto Iguazu. Not had a ´cama´bus before - only 3 seat across (lots of room), and we stopped off at midnight to have steak and chips which were included in the price of the ticket! Think I booked a cama bus by accident, but the bus price was cheaper on that route than journeys of half the length elsewhere in Argentina, so I didn´t feel too bad. The 22 hour journey went surprisingly quickly, and I managed to get a bus to the Hostel Inn pretty easily too.

The Hostel Inn was massive - over 200 beds, and it´s an ex-casino so everything is spread out. The pool was lovely and the building great, - I was staying in a little house outside of the main building - but because it was so spread out, it was very difficult to meet anyone! Most people were lounging by the pool during the day, and it was only in the evening that people began to mix more. So spent the daytime on the first day catching up on my journal etc, which was actually a pretty good plan.

Met some lovely people that night at the bar (for once I wasn´t drinking, only because I couldn´t afford it!) Ended up going to the waterfalls the following day (Sunday I think) with a Canadian guy called Jessie, and it was absolutely beautiful. Put some photos up on picasa again - words just can´t do justice - neither can photos, but they do come nearer. So I´ll let you gander at the pictures. It was soooooo hot - about 38 degrees, and a lot of walking involved. So happily jumped into the river for a quick swim.

Quiet night back at the hostel as was drained by the sun, and then lazed around the pool the following morning until I had to leave (very early) for my bus.

Puerto Iguazu and Fox Iguazu are next door to each other (only a river divides them), but the former is in Argentina, and the latter in Brazil. I was getting a 15 hour bus to Sao Paolo in Brazil, so the bus went from Fox Iguazu. (Bearing in mind that it was very very hot), I had to get a bus into Puerto Iguazu, bus number 2 was to the Brazilian border, bus number 3 was into Fox Iguazu, and bus number 4 was to the international bus terminal just outside of Fox Iguazu. Needless to say, I wasn´t looking my best when I got to the bus, nor smelling my best! Luckily I had a 2 hour wait as the journey had been quicker than I presumed, so I was able to have some food etc before getting onto the bus.

The journey here to Sao Paolo was absolutely fine, until we got to the city. Taxis are extortionate here (well most things are really), so I decided to brave the metro (2 different trains, no where to sit), and a walk of about 20 minutes to the hostel. My back is still hurting!

But the hostel is amazing - the loveliest I´ve stayed in. The staff welcomed me like a long lost friend, and were so helpful, telling me where things were before I´d even asked. And I was able to check in early, which made all the difference. The whole house is decorated really nicely and creatively, and people there are mainly travelling by themselves, so are very easy to talk to. (Much harder to start talking to groups of people). Definitely feels like ´home´ - just what I wanted after the anonymity of Hostel Inn.

Managed to see the Museum of Art of Sao Paolo this afternoon (Tuesdays entrance is free), but became absolutely shattered so decided could do internet instead. Unfortunately have to take the metro everywhere here, so it´s quite tiring. Only wish that the city had a little fewer than 20 million people living here, as getting around would be easier! But it´s a fantastic place and am loving being here.

There are so many things to see and so many art galleries to visit (good one too - very rare in central America, Peru and Bolivia), so have decided to stay here until the 6th January, when I will go to Rio de Janeiro.

Hope everyone´s ok in the UK and not trapped under too much snow...

Lots of love,
Alice xxx

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