Friday 8 May 2009

Sydney (again), Palm Beach and Newcastle

Hey hey there,

Well we eventually managed to meet up with our friend, Beth, in Wollongong, and had a great night out (student night so we felt very old), dancing away to some great tunes. We've been beaching it up the coast since then - only got 7 mins left on internet so trying to type fast!)

Ok, quick summary -
Bondi Beach - my favourite, water beautiful, sand clean, huge beach, and waves warm and great to play in. Bondi area fantastic - great little cafes and boutique shops.
Manly Beach - colder water, smaller beach, loads of surf shops and cheap places to eat. But still beautiful beach.
Palm Beach - Home and Away!!! We saw the surf club, (run by A. Stewart as notified on the sign outside), - stunning watching the sun come up. Not such a wide beach, but beautiful water again, loads of yummy surfers and the beach was so clean.
Nobby Beach at Newcastle - 'most friendly beach' (we can't wait to see what that means!) with loads of surfers, hotter sun (brilliant), clean sands and beautiful water.

Also seen Simon - lovely catching up on Bondi Beach and drinking coffee, Katy and her brother Ross who very kindly put us up (and let us shower!) in their beautiful apartment in Newtown - also ate delicious supper at Thai Tanic restaurant, and Thierry who met us for a natter, some fish and chips and retail therapy around Manly Beach. So it has been fantastic seeing everyone, bumming around on the beach, and drinking goon (boxed wine).

Must dash, but love to all and will write again soon.
Alice xxx
ps we are wearing lots of suncream!

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