Saturday 12 September 2009


Hey hey

Doing lots of entries here as things happen so fast! We've spent a great time in Udaipur so far. Viki at the hotel was fantastic about Haz's birthday - they even went out and bought a birthday cake for her - of the Western variety, so very very creamy and chocolatey. Even had a cream rose on it, pretty impressive. The chef cooked us a typical Rajastani dish that wasn't on the menu - full of cooked cherries, pineapple and vegetables, and I treated Haz to a delicious meal washed down with beers. We were sat on a balcony that had a bed mattress on the seat, with a very short table on it that groaned under all of our food. We ate by candlelight, and watched people milling around in the evening, playing by the river or crossing over the bridges. It was certainly a much calmer birthday than previous ones! We'll live it up another night...

We woke up early yesterday and Viki drove the 2 of us (and him) on his very very sexy black motorbike, through the countryside to see a beautiful dammed lake. Not on the tourist trail, I felt very glamourous with my shawl billowing in the wind (though not too far behind, didn't want to choke myself!) It was gorgeous and hilly, and very refreshing to be out of the city again. So much nicer! Hopefully the north of India will be like that too. Rajastani is half desert and half green hilly areas. So pretty out of the city, absolutely love it.

We saw the City Palace - 2nd biggest palace in India - 144m long and 30m high. It was beautiful. We took our time and had lots of rests in the shaded marble alcoves, watching other tourists. Very very pretty and we managed to dodge most of the tourists. Just had time for a leisurely lunch, a spot of shopping down the alleyways and then a gentle siesta. What a peaceful day!

So this morning we were heading to a Haveli (house) when we stopped and talked to a guy who had been standing outside his restaurant every day trying to get us come in to eat. The menu was nice so we sat down and ended up learning that he did massages, called Raju - he reads your body in your hands, then he touches pressure points on your body to sort you out. He also combines it with some spirituality, and he's incredibly interesting.

He took Hayley's hands and felt that her main problem was her back - she has suffered for years from a wonky back - but luckily most of her organs were ok.

He took my hands, and I was soon yelping and screeching in pain as he triggered certain points.
First - one leg is longer than the other and also my coxycs (spelling?!) is bent wrongly - that is why my back aches when I stand/walk for too long. That puts pressure on my shoulders and neck, and gives me headaches. My poor circulation in my legs causes my frequent leg cramps (especially when I'm under a fan or in air conditioning, and they can be excruciating). He ended up measuring my leg and true enough, my right one is half an inch longer! My right shoulder was half an inch higher too.

He pointed to my throat - thyroid glands - the last time I had a blood test the doctor said that mine are failing at the moment.

He did my stomach and I was writhing in pain! Two years of an upset stomach, apparently I have digestion problems. Also my heart, liver and kidneys weren't working great either.
And womanly things -apparently not all exactly how they should be - I won't go into details, but it needed fixing too. I was feeling rather broken by this point!

So with Hayley holding my hand (until he said we had to let go as she'd start getting my aches and pains,) I got completely naked and he pushed/prodded/pulled me for over an hour. I was in so much pain, - it wasn't a pleasant experience - but if it helps at all with my stomach it'll be worth the money, and for my back to stop hurting as much too is great. By the end of the session he measured me again and I was even! Walking around I felt as though I was tipping to the right, as I wasn't used to it. And felt slightly dizzy. Very strange. He didn't sort out my coxycs or my female problems as that was far too intimate - definitely wasn't ready for that.

Raju was so kind and professional that I didn't mind the experience (much) and if it helps at all it will be worth every penny. Got nothing to lose anyway! (apart from the money!) You couldn't lie to him at all, he was so accurate with his diagnoses and reading you. Very freaky.

Finally made it to the Haveli which was beautiful, and saw the lovely buildings and paintings, before it started raining. Well it is the end of the monsoon season! Two friends we've met are taking us to the Monsoon Palace this evening if it isn't raining, before we catch our night train. People here are so kind and we've had such a great time.

We're on an overnight train tonight to see the TAJ MAHAL tomorrow (eek!) before heading overnight again to Varanasi. Lots of travelling around, so quite exhausting but it's absolutely great. Just need some time to write our journals now!

Lots of love from us both,
Alice xxx

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