Friday 9 January 2009

The continuation...

Hey there again,

Ok am sober now, and wishing I wasn´t! Looking forward to leaving La Paz in order to detox / dry out...

We had a great time chilling at the hotel after the ride - the ride itself went really quickly. Although slightly annoying that I needed the loo the whole time, and the gravel was slightly uncomfortable! We managed to get back to La Paz ok, and had a good night at the hostel and a local bar.

Work went alright this morning, although I kept on forgetting to charge things to people´s bills, - usually remembered in time, but slightly frustrating as making money is kind of the point of a bar! J and I picked up the CDs of the biking yesterday - unfortunately they don´t all seem to be in focus (it was the driver taking the photos), and there was a splodge on the lens that means that every photo has a black mark on it! So apologies for that (the photos that don´t are the ones that I took). I will edit them and crop them when I get back to the UK, but they´ll have to do for now.

Still deciding what to do about the monkey sanctuary - whether we can actually get there or whether we are going to have to ditch the idea. Will let you know when we know!

Gotta head back to the hostel soon as the doctor is coming to the hostel at 7pm to see me - fantastic guy, usually see him in the bar! Still got achy ears so trying to sort them out before they get too bad for diving.

Enjoy the photos - they are now up and labelled!

Lots of love from us all,
Alice xxx

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