Friday 9 January 2009

We survived the Death Road...!

Heyllo everyone,

Am meant to be working in the bar but luckily it´s really quiet so can write this. Love this job! Went out last night and think might have turned my alarm off in my sleep, so overslept - oops - Haz very kindly woke me up at 8.20am. Meant to start at 8am. Oh dear. Oh well! Think we had a great night last night, although don´t remember talking to some guys on my way to bed, so it must have been good!

Ok, so yesterday we decided to mountainbike down the ´Most Dangerous Road in the World´. Haven´t ridden a mountain bike since I was about 8 - much prefer racing bikes - so that in itself was weird. Plus, the suspension was so much that the bike sank down when I sat on it - very disconcerting! Not like my 30 year old bike with no suspension whatsoever! Unfortunately I also forgot that when I get off, the bike goes up again... it hurt my lady bits a lot. Not making that mistake again...!

The first part is tarmac, with traffic. We were so lucky with the weather. The sun was shining, and we were 4,700m above sea level, so the clouds were hugging the mountains. It was absolutely stunning. We made our way down the hill for about 40 minutes (the whole thing is 68km long and you descend 3,600m) until we needed to get back in the van to go uphill. How easy is that! Cheating a lot...

It was the 3 of us girls, with a German couple - he enters mountainbike competitions and she was able to keep up with him. Our guide was called Eric, and he was brilliant. Very safety conscious, and also told us all the gruesome stories about the people killed on the road. The crosses lining the road were a bit of a giveaway... Apparently they didn´t think we could cycle uphill... what a shame!

The next part was the narrow part. I have no idea how trucks etc were driving along that road. Now, there has been another road built so the traffic goes on that. The only traffic we met was the support vans for other cyclists, and of course our van with Vertigo, the company. Again, the views were stunning, and us girls gradually grew more confident going downhill. Basically freewheeled the whole way! Very very easy.

Somehow managed to end up in a ditch though - God knows how! Luckily not the cliff side (some drops are 800m...) The other girls came round the corner and were a bit confused as to what I was doing! Our guide told us that if we fell off the side and fell about 100m, he would come and get us. If we fell 500m he wouldn´t. I have a sneaky suspicion that the rope is only about 100m long!

The ride was beautiful. It took us 4 hours to cycle downhill, and we ended up in a lovely hotel for lunch and a swim.... TO BE CONTINUED

Pictures to follow later today

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