Tuesday 27 January 2009

Cordoba, Argentina

Hello hello,

Well, Haz and J left San Pedro on Saturday in search of some sun, and I have been heading east. So strange travelling without them after 4 months together! But the travelling experience is very different when you travel alone, so I´m glad I´m doing a bit of both.

Headed out of San Pedro (on one of the 3 weekly buses) to Salta, which was lovely. Met some great people on the journey, from Argentina, Chile and Brazil. They came and stayed in the same hostel as well that night (we were accosted by a guy called Alberto in the Salta bus terminal at midnight, advertising his hostel. Very lucky that we were, because most hostels were booked up at this point, and he included a free taxi to the hostel too - even luckier as the ATM in the bus terminal wasn´t working)...

Anyway, Salta was pretty, although not much to do there. Would be an easy place to live for a while, as everything was within walking distance. Five minutes after checking into the hostel, Katie, a girl we´d done the salt flat tour with, walked into the same dorm! It was lovely to see her again, and we chilled out in Salta, looked at the stalls, and went on the Teleferico the following day. From the top of the Teleferico we had a fantastic view of Salta, and the afternoon light made the roofs of the buildings look like mercury. Beautiful. (Photos, as always, to follow...) So had a great day walking around the city, the Argentinian and the Brazilian cooked us all lunch, so kind, and also much cheaper than eating out too.

Got on a bus last night at 10pm, and arrived late in Cordoba at about 12.30pm this afternoon. Cordoba was voted the ´Cultural capital of the Americas´in 2006, but I have not discovered the reason why yet! The bus was very comfy, great seats and no one sat beside me so I could stretch out. But it was pouring, and I mean POURING, with rain when I arrived. It took them 30 minutes to unload my bag from the bus (I was standing in the rain trying to get it off, so bloody incompetent, would never happen in Bolivia!) and then another 30 minutes for me to grab a taxi as the line was so long (again, would never happen in Bolivia!). So wasn´t in the best mood when I arrived at the hostel to be met with a list of the hostel rules, and a demand for my money straight up...

Anyway, after a shower and some food, things are looking a little better. Still not a pretty city, but it´s far more European - lovely little pastry shops, everything is close to the hostel that you could ever need, and the hostel has a bar. Only downside is that a hairy, potbellied little Argentinian in my room was trying to get me to kiss him, and asked if he could lie in my bed (with me). I politely declined, but might have to move rooms if he gets more persistent! Luckily, I´ve befriended another English guy in the room, and a French couple. Luckily the Argentinian is leaving (I think) tomorrow, so should be safe from then on...

Not managed to do anything cultural today - am taking it easy as I have a few days here. Staying here for 4 or 5 days, at the Cordoba Backpackers.

Will start hunting out the art galleries tomorrow.

Hope everyone´s ok in the UK,
Lots and lots of love,
Alice xxx

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