Saturday 24 January 2009

Salt Flat Tour... and CHILE

Hey hey everyone,

We survived the salt flats... and absolutely loved it! About to run out of money at this internet cafe so have to make this short and sweet... basically the pictures tell it all... all downloaded now at - look to the end and you{ll get the photos.

We had a brilliant time - I would love to live on the salt flats for 1 week in a caravan (with a crate of wine...) and arrived in San Pedro de Atacama in northern Chile at noon yesterday. It is a beautiful town (albeit small), but they do tend to rip off the tourists. Hayley and J are heading down to the coast of Chile, and I am making a mad sprint to see Brazil before Beth and Ron come out to see us in February at BA. No, we have not fallen out - far from it! In fact, I have to say, it was a teary goodbye (on my part at least), this afternoon. I feel as though half of me is not there! We have spent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week together for the last 4 months... strange to be separated. But we had a difference of itinerary, so are splitting up for 3 weeks. At this rate, I{ll cancel my plans and meet them again in 3 days time!

So this will be a blog for myself for the next 3 weeks, although J is going to write about my strange eating habits... am going to be on a bus all day to Salta in Argentina tomorrow, where hopefully the prices are cheaper. Nearly fainted in the bus station yesterday when the guy told me how much I owed! This place is expensive... and buses only go 3 times a week from here to Salta - the cheap company was booked up until 30th January... bloody Chileans! But have met some nice people in the hostel which is good, so will chill out there tonight.

Will write again on Monday (hopefully) when I get to Salta!

Lots of love,
Alice xxxxxxxxxxx

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