Wednesday 29 October 2008


Finally left Utila (nearly cried) after a very booze filled Friday night. Caught the ferry to the mainland on Monday morning, which was very lucky as the ferries afterwards were cancelled due to a tropical storm. It absolutely poured down for about 15 hours. Not pretty! La Ceiba is not a pretty town, and there is not much to do. It's just a convenient jumping off point to the islands. Had to hang around La Ceiba for a day as J was waiting for a parcel (which never arrived anyway), so we ran away.

Unfortunately our next stop, Tegucigalpa (capital of Honduras for those of you who didn't know), was no better. The drive was slightly terrifying: the roads are fine, but the drivers are maniacs, overtaking on blind corners and the tops of hills (although it will be worse in Bolivia). Went past the first accident: about 4-5 cars, 1 pick up truck, 1 massive lorry and 1 coach - which looked like the top of it had been cut off. They were all completely mashed up. Just got over that one when we passed another accident of about 1 pick up truck and 3 cars: saw at least 7 body bags in the back of another pick up truck. The person who manufactures them obviously does a good business... Was pretty morbid and horrid.

We arrived after dark - true, not the best time to arrive - and stayed in a hotel that would have been brilliant for setting a horror movie in: long unlit corridors, many dark wooden doors, and a slightly brothel feel to it. (Quite funny when I asked directions from 2 very dressed up women earlier that day, only to realise half way through the conversation that they were hookers...) We managed to survive, and jumped on a bus to Managua today sure that it would be nicer.

It's not. Nicaragua seems gorgeous, but the capital does not seem to have any redeeming features. At all. Tried to do a bit of sight seeing but that failed. The most exciting part was hitching a ride in the back of a truck to our hotel. We had a horrid supper (I do not know how food can start off so nice as ingredients and be turned into disgustingness!) Suppose the most fruitful part of the day was going to the hospital where I got my ears looked at again. A lovely, handsome man (head of finance) translated for me, to tell me that my ears were completely buggered. Luckily the ear drums are intact, but no diving for me at all for at least a month, and no flying anywhere in the short term. Given many more drugs, and instructions not to get cold, change altitude, not to use air con or open a cold fridge (not all of them are here), not to drive with the windows down... Not sure how many of these things I will actually be able to adhere to! But a second opinion was worth it, - certainly for the translation alone.

So we are in our hotel at the moment (nothing else to do), enjoying a rarity: TV! Chilling out watching films and bad American programs/films, which is surprisingly enjoyable. Heading to Tipitapa tomorrow for some hot springs (Haz and J need a hot shower very soon), and then hopefully we can head to Granada the same night. Granada must be nicer than this!

Better go and shower (in a cold shower, not sure what the doctor would say...) Hope everyone's ok,
Muchos love,
Al xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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