Thursday 23 October 2008

Today was our final day of our open water diving course, but things didnt go exactly according to plan. Firstly we went out and got alittle drunky last night and J and i didnt get in untill 3am. so we werent feeling the healthiest this morning when alice (who actually was much more sensible and went to bed alittle earlier) announced she had blood coming out of her ear! Not ideal when your diving down to 18metres that day. She felt fine tho, so we headed off for our final dives thinking it was nothing serious. Just before we were about to head out on the boat, alice mentioned to our instructor about her manking ear (which is no longer bleeding) and he said she wasnt allowed to dive today. Was really rubbish as she had to just wait on the boat whilst we did our 2 final dives at 18 metres. She was alittle sad, but was cheered up by taking pics of us looking stupid under water. she also managed to snorkel and take some pics of some fishes.

J and I are now certified open water divers, but it wasnt the same without alice down there with us. We did have someone following us round, both before during and after our dives, with a videocamera, so we will have video evidence of our new skills. Alice also managed to leave her mark on the video by uploading all her photos of today to be used as the credits which is really cool! So we are heading for the doctors tomorrow, to get the verdict on the ear. we are going to stay here untill alice gets the ok to get back in the water, as she just needs to do 2 more dives to be certified. Utila is pretty cool place so happy to hang around here for a while. in fact we may never leave at this rate. we are rapidly becoming addicted exploring the underwater world, and are contemplating using all our money to become diving instructors.

anyway, hopefully tomorrow we will have a better idea of our future plans, but it looks as tho we will be here at least untill early next week. by then the floods on the mainland (which have been declared a national disaster) will hopefully have cleared so our journey across land may be alittle easier. We will keep you posted.

muchos love H x

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