Sunday 19 October 2008

Utila, Bay Islands, HONDURAS

Hi all,

Hello from Honduras! We loved spending the time in Antigua in Guatemala (not the island Antiga, but Antigua the landlocked city). There was a small earthquake that we felt in Antigua on Thursday at lunchtime: Haz had banged her head on a window (I know, pretty silly but luckily not much concussion), and thought it was her head playing tricks on her: however it turned out to be an earthquake - pretty cool! We then decided to climb an active volcano to say hello to the lava at the Pacaya volcano (probably not the best idea straight after an earthquake...)

It was one of the most difficult things I have done. I don´t think that Haz and J had such a difficult time because they abandoned me and lept up the volcano! We first of all started at a place called San Francisco at 1,800 m - to reach the top we needed to walk 4 km and up another 500m. We walked the first half in a forest environment, slippery after the rain (actually it was still raining), which was hard going but ok. We then reached the ash which was exactly like walking uphill on very coarse sand. Half way up I wanted to stop and cry it was so difficult! We were walking on old lava - Haz misjudged and fell through - her foot stopped a couple of inches away from molten lava - no health and safety here! Luckily she wasn´t scorched alive. Really disconcerting walking on top of old lava with molten lava showing through the gaps. The lava was really sharp in places, and melted the soles of shoes if we weren´t careful. I think most of us ended up with bruised bottoms and small cuts and grazes after falling over.

Eventually after 90 mins made it to the top. Nearly got blown off the top as the wind was so strong! But it was absolutely beautiful. We could see lava coming out from a hole and running in 2 streams all the way down the side of the volcano. One guy was toasting a marshmallow at the top - another one had lit a joint from the lava! Only in Guatemala... When we were walking back again (in the dark), we could see the orange lava flowing down the side as well, absolutely stunning.

Will put the photos on the internet when it´s possible to.

Spent a horrible day on Friday travelling for over 17 hours - one very uncomfortable bus, another 2 lovely buses, to arrive in La Ceiba in Honduras. Stayed overnight there, and in the morning yesterday we took an hour ferry to the Bay Island of Utila. The ferry was so bouncy, not felt anything like that before. Quite an adventure!

We are staying at the Mango Inn in Utila, where the accommodation is free as we are going our diving PADI Open Water qualification with the Utila Dive Centre. Has a swimming pool and everything! Absolutely lovely, really spoilt here. We spent a lot of time with one of the instructors, Johan yesterday, and went round to his house to chill out and watch films with him last night. Wonderful to relax after all the travelling. Also bought some more flip flops - have managed to break 3 pairs in 3 weeks!

Had breakfast out today - massive portions - when we bumped into 3 guys that we met in Flores. Stephane had been great looking after me when I was ill, buying me drugs, and his 2 friends - one dutch and one Irish - were travelling with him. They changed their plans due to bad weather in Belize and Guatemala, and it was such a surprise to see them in the cafe, but a welcome one. So think tonight may have a few drinks (think Stephane wants to work his magic with Haz) as not diving deep tomorrow.

Anyway need to go and read my PADI book - got homework already! Hope everyone´s ok, chat again soon.
Much love,
Al, Haz and J xxx

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